The weight loss "industry" is full of myths.
People are being advised to do all sorts of crazy things, most of which have no evidence behind them.
Over the years, however, scientists have found a number of strategies that seem to be effective.
Here are 26 weight loss tips that are actually evidence-based.
It is often claimed that drinking water can help with weight loss, and this is true.
Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours, helping you burn off a few more calories (1, 2).
One study showed that drinking a half liter (17 oz) of water about a half an hour before meals helped dieters eat fewer calories and lose 44% more weight (3).
Eating whole eggs can have all sorts of benefits, including helping you lose weight.
Studies show that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can help you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours, and lose more weight and more body fat (4, 5).
If you can't eat eggs for some reason, then that's fine. Any source of quality protein for breakfast should do the trick.
Coffee has been unfairly demonized. Quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants, and can have numerous health benefits.
Studies show that the caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3-11%, and increase fat burning by up to 10-29% (6, 7, 8).
Just make sure NOT to add a bunch of sugar or other high-calorie ingredients to it. That will completely negate any benefit you get from the coffee.
Like coffee, green tea also has many benefits, one of them being weight loss.
Green tea contains small amounts of caffeine, but it is also loaded with powerful antioxidants called catechins, which are also believed to work synergistically with the caffeine to enhance fat burning (9, 10).
Although the evidence is mixed, there are many studies showing that green tea (either as a beverage or a green tea extract supplement) can help you lose weight (11, 12).
Coconut oil is very healthy. It is high in special fats called medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized differently than other fats.
These fats have been shown to boost metabolism by 120 calories per day, and also reduce your appetite so that you eat up to 256 fewer calories per day (13, 14).
Keep in mind that this is not about adding coconut oil on top of what you're already eating, it is about replacing some of your current cooking fats with coconut oil.
A fiber called glucomannan has been shown to cause weight loss in several studies.
This is a type of fiber that absorbs water and "sits" in your gut for a while, making you feel more full and helping you eat fewer calories (15).
Studies have shown that people who supplement with glucomannan lose a bit more weight than those who don't (16).
Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet, and most people are eating way too much of it.
Studies show that sugar (and high fructose corn syrup) consumption is strongly associated with the risk of obesity, as well as diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and others ( 17, 18, 19).
If you want to lose weight, you should be cutting back on added sugars. Just make sure to read labels, because even so-called health foods can be loaded with sugar.
Refined carbohydrates are usually sugar, or grains that have been stripped of their fibrous, nutritious parts (includes white bread and pasta).
Studies show that refined carbs can spike blood sugar rapidly, leading to hunger, cravings and increased food intake a few hours later. Eating refined carbs is strongly linked to obesity (20, 21, 22).
If you're going to eat carbs, make sure to eat them with their natural fiber.
If you want to get all the benefits of carb restriction, then consider taking this all the way and going on a low carb diet.
Using smaller plates has been shown to help people automatically eat fewer calories in some studies. Weird trick, but it seems to work (26).
Portion control (eating less) or counting calories can be very useful, for obvious reasons (27).
There are also studies showing that keeping a food diary and writing down what you eat, or taking pictures of all your meals, can help you lose weight (28, 29).
Anything that increases your awareness of what you are eating is likely to be useful.
Keeping healthy food close by can help prevent you from eating something unhealthy if you become excessively hungry.
A few snacks that are easily portable and simple to prepare include whole fruits, a handful of nuts, baby carrots, yogurt and a hardboiled egg (or two).
Although I'm not aware of any studies on this, many people recommend brushing your teeth and/or flossing right after dinner. Then you won't be as tempted to have a late-night snack.
Spicy foods like Cayenne pepper contain Capsaicin, a compound that can boost metabolism and reduce your appetite slightly (30, 31).
Doing aerobic exercise (cardio) is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your physical and mental health.
One of the worst side effects of dieting, is that it tends to cause muscle loss and metabolic slowdown, often referred to as starvation mode (34, 35).
The best way to prevent this from happening is to do some sort of resistance exercise, like lifting weights. Studies show that weight lifting can help keep your metabolism high, and prevent you from losing precious muscle mass (36, 37).
Of course, it's not just important to lose fat. You also want to make sure that what is beneath looks good. Doing some sort of resistance exercise is critical for that.
Fiber is often recommended for the purpose of weight loss. Although the evidence is mixed, some studies show that fiber (especially viscous fiber) can increase satiety and help you control your weight over the long term (38, 39).
Vegetables and fruits have several properties that make them effective for weight loss.
They contain few calories, but a lot of fiber. They are also rich in water, which gives them a low energy density. They also take a while to chew, and are very filling.
Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits tend to weigh less (40). These foods are also super healthy and nutritious, so eating them is important for all sorts of reasons.
Sleep is highly underrated, but it may be just as important as eating healthy and exercising.
Studies show that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity, being linked to an 89% increased risk of obesity in children, and 55% in adults (43).
A recent 2014 study of 196,211 individuals found that 19.9% of people fulfil the criteria for food addiction (44).
If you suffer from overpowering cravings and can't seem to get your eating under control no matter how hard you try, then you may be a food addict.
In this case, get help. Trying to lose weight without dealing with this problem first is next to impossible.
Protein is the single most important nutrient when it comes to losing weight.
Eating a high protein diet has been shown to boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day, while helping you feel so satiated that you eat up to 441 fewer calories per day (45, 46, 47).
One study also showed that protein at 25% of calories reduced obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, while cutting the desire for late night snacking in half (48).
This is the single most important tip in the article.
Simply adding protein to your diet (without restricting anything) is one of the easiest, most effective and most delicious ways to lose weight.
If you struggle to get enough protein in your diet, taking a supplement can help.
One study showed that replacing part of your calories with whey protein can cause weight loss of about 8 pounds, while increasing lean muscle mass (49).
Sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse (50). Studies show that liquid sugar calories may be the single most fattening aspect of the modern diet.
For example, one study showed that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children, for each daily serving (51).
Keep in mind that this applies to fruit juice as well, which contains a similar amount of sugar as a soft drink like coke (52).
Eat whole fruit, but use fruit juice with caution (or avoid it altogether).
If you want to be a leaner, healthier person, then one of the best things you can do for yourself is to eat whole, single ingredient foods.
These foods are naturally filling, and it's very difficult to gain weight if the majority of your diet is based around them.
Keep in mind that real food doesn't need a long list of ingredients, because real food IS the ingredient.
One of the biggest problems with "diets," is that they almost never work in the long term.
If anything, people who "diet" tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain (53).
Instead of going on a diet, make it your goal to become a healthier, happier and fitter person. Focus on nourishing your body, instead of depriving it.
Weight loss should follow as a natural side effect.
Why Eggs Are a Killer Weight Loss Food
Eggs are among the healthiest foods you can eat.
They are rich in high-quality protein, healthy fats and many essential vitamins and minerals.
Eggs also have a few unique properties that make them egg-ceptionally weight loss friendly.
This article explains why whole eggs are a killer weight loss food.
The simplest way to lose weight is to reduce your daily calorie intake.
One large egg contains only about 78 calories, yet is very high in nutrients. Egg yolks are especially nutritious (1).
An egg meal commonly consists of about 2–4 eggs. Three large boiled eggs contain less than 240 calories.
By adding a generous serving of vegetables, you're able to have a complete meal for only about 300 calories.
Just keep in mind that if you fry your eggs in oil or butter, you add about 50 calories for each teaspoon used.
BOTTOM LINE:One large egg contains about 78 calories. A meal consisting of 3 boiled eggs and vegetables contains only about 300 calories.
Eggs are incredibly nutrient-dense and filling, mainly because of their high protein content (2).
High-protein foods have been known to reduce appetite and increase fullness, compared to foods that contain less protein (3, 4, 5, 6).
Studies have repeatedly shown that egg meals increase fullness and reduce food intake during later meals, compared to other meals with the same calorie content (7, 8, 9).
Eggs also rank high on a scale called the Satiety Index. This scale evaluates how well foods help you feel full and reduce calorie intake later on (10).
Additionally, eating a diet high in protein may reduce obsessive thoughts about food by up to 60%. It may also cut the desire for late-night snacking by half (11, 12).
BOTTOM LINE:Eggs rank high on the Satiety Index scale, which means they may help you feel fuller for longer. High-protein foods, like eggs, may also help you snack less between meals.
Eggs contain all the essential amino acids, and in the right ratios.
This means your body can easily use the protein in eggs for maintenance and metabolism.
Eating a high-protein diet has been shown to boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories a day, through a process called the thermic effect of food (13, 14).
The thermic effect of food is the energy required by the body to metabolize foods, and is higher for protein than for fat or carbs (13, 14, 15).
This means that high-protein foods, such as eggs, help you burn more calories.
BOTTOM LINE:A high-protein diet may boost your metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per day, since extra energy is needed to help metabolize the protein in foods.
Eating eggs for breakfast seems to be especially beneficial for weight loss.
Many studies have compared the effects of eating eggs in the morning versus eating other breakfasts with the same calorie content.
Several studies of overweight women showed that eating eggs instead of bagels increased their feeling of fullness and caused them to consume fewer calories over the next 36 hours.
A similar study in men came to the same conclusion, showing that an egg breakfast significantly reduced calorie intake for the next 24 hours, compared to a bagel breakfast. The egg eaters also felt more full (16).
Furthermore, the egg breakfast caused a more stable blood glucose and insulin response, while also suppressing ghrelin (the hunger hormone) (16).
Another study in 30 healthy and fit young men compared the effects of three types of breakfasts on three separate occasions. These were eggs on toast, cereal with milk and toast, and croissant with orange juice.
The egg breakfast caused significantly greater satiety, less hunger and a lower desire to eat than the other two breakfasts.
Furthermore, eating eggs for breakfast caused the men to automatically eat about 270–470 calories less at lunch and dinner buffets, compared to eating the other breakfasts (17).
This impressive reduction in calorie intake was unintentional and effortless. The only thing they did was to eat eggs at breakfast.
BOTTOM LINE:Eating eggs for breakfast may increase your feeling of fullness and make you automatically eat fewer calories, for up to 36 hours.
Incorporating eggs into your diet is very easy.
They are inexpensive, widely available and can be prepared within minutes.
Eggs are delicious almost every way you make them, but are most often boiled, scrambled, made into an omelet or baked.
A breakfast omelet made with a couple of eggs and some vegetables makes for an excellent and quick weight loss friendly breakfast.
BOTTOM LINE:Eggs are inexpensive, available almost everywhere and can be prepared in a matter of minutes.
Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you're trying to lose weight.
They can make you feel more full and help you eat fewer calories throughout the day.
Furthermore, eggs are a great source of many vitamins and minerals that are commonly lacking in the diet.
Eating eggs, especially for breakfast, may just be what makes or breaks your weight loss diet.
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